Mass Shooting Resources for Mayors*

*And other locally elected and appointed leaders.

When a mass shooting takes place, it falls on our nation’s mayors to respond. After researching six cities that responded to a mass shooting, UnitedOnGuns created resources to help local leaders prepare for, and respond to, a mass shooting.

Our Resources


September 2024 is National Preparedness Month. The ICMA magazine Public Management has just published Sarah C. Peck's article, "Uvalde Failures Underscore the Importance of Preparedness: Ensuring your community is prepared for a mass shooting or other critical incident." A key finding is that many law enforcement agencies lack the specialized training needed to effectively respond to a mass shooting. This article summarizes the actions local leaders should take to prepare a "whole of government" response to a mass shooting, including how to ensure their law enforcement agencies are properly trained and equipped to save lives (including their own). 

For more information on police readiness, as well as how to plan tactical medical care for injured victims, transport to definitive medical care, and other services for victims and their families, please listen to this new ICMA "Voices in Local Government" podcast series entitled, “Stop the Killing. Stop the Dying.”

Upcoming Events

On September 22, 2024, Sarah C. Peck and other subject matter experts will present mass shooting preparedness recommendations to city managers at the ICMA Annual Conference 2024.

For more information, or to organize an executive briefing for your city or organization, please contact Director Sarah C. Peck,

Please contact us if you have used the Mass shooting Playbook to prepare for or respond to a mass shooting, and would like to share your experience.

“The Playbook is required reading
for every mayor.”

— Mayor Buddy Dyer, Orlando FL (Pulse Shooting)

“The Playbook provided vitally
helpful direction.”

— Mayor Nancy Rotering, Highland Park IL (July Fourth Shooting)

“It isn’t if but when.
Mayors need to prepare.”

— Mayor Nan Whaley, Dayton OH (Oregon District Shooting)

“We picked up our office copy of the Playbook
on our way to the school and referred to it
throughout the response.”

Kristin Wilson, Chief Operating Officer,
Nashville TN (Covenant School Shooting)